Personal Chef Catia


  • I Gusti della tradizione – Traditional Tastes | Menu created by the Chef with typical and seasonal products
  • Il Nostro Gusto – Our Taste | Menu created by the Chef for Rara Factory
  • I Colori di Gusto – Tasteful Color | Menu created by the Chef with two colors chosen by the Customer
  • La cena di mezzanotte – Midnight dinner | Menu dedicated to the madness of being able to eat at an unusual time with digestible and fun dishes

*eventual evaluation of every food requirement of the customer


Menu created by the Chef to discover Umbria at Table, every day we can discover one different town

Momenti Mise en Bouche al tramonto in piscina o nel giardino
Mise en Bouche moments at sunset by the pool or in the garden
Expression of gourmet aperitifs and various creations to eat without having to sit at the table

Merende divertenti Schiacciate in pomo damore tra Rosmarino e Tartufo
Fun snacks Crushed in love between Rosemary and Truffle
Pizza and doughs expression of territory with the use of the wood fire oven

Un Sipario di abbinamenti tra Piatto e Bicchiere
A curtain of combinations between plate and glass
Expression of tastings with food and wine-cocktail matchings in the Living Casa.

Un Tramonto tra le Note del Gusto
A Sunset between the Notes of Taste
Expression of event combined with live music and food; dishes created on musical notes and subjects.

Un Piatto di Arte a tutto tondo
An all-round plate of art
Expression of events, a combination of painting, sculpture, floral and artisanal Arts, which blend to find the full circle on the plate to taste.

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